What to do with soda bottle

What can be done with soda bottle what can be done with the bottles of soda and other glass beverages that we get most from the market? how about making a beautiful vase? In summer, we are making fancy vases in the do-it-yourself section to satisfy the need for a lot of vases to smell the fragrant flowers, roses, lilacs, smells in our house.
We are evaluating soda bottles. We have pearls, beads, ribbons, how we can decorate them. I think it’s the most beautiful gift that can be done as a gift. It will be a very elegant gift for Mother’s Day.
Our ladies are very good at evaluating a lot of bottles or things to do. As a small alternative for you, we offer you the most beautiful vase made of soda bottles. I hope you will love the elegance of your home to make a lot of vases and you will remember us. Hope to be together again in brand new video narrations.
What to do with soda bottle
The materials needed to evaluate the bottles of sodas from the grocery stores.
Colored ribbons, colored pebbles or sand
Jute ip hot silicone or adhesive
Beads of white sea shells
You can turn these bottles into stylish accessories with the materials you have. Whatever material you have, it will suffice. Good luck with.
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