Tiny Motif Pattern for New Designs

Do you know that there are some wonderful things you can make with yarn and crochet? In this article, I will show you some easy and beautiful tiny motifs that you can combine to make pillows, blankets, bags, throws and more. Also, these motifs will be very appreciated and will be unique designs that you can gift to your loved ones.
We will make tiny motifs with the narration video of Papatyanın Knitting World Youtube Channel. You can use any number of different colors and any texture of yarn you want. You can adapt it according to the models you will make.
In the narration video, etamine threads used for processing towel edges in different colors were used. You can prepare the motifs by evaluating the etamine threads you have.
We would like to thank the Daisy Knitting World Youtube Channel for this beautiful narration. For more content like this, you can like the video and subscribe to the channel. Good luck to everyone who will do it in advance.