Tunisian groom’s vest pattern for free

Tunisian groom’s vest pattern for free

Tunisian groom’s vest pattern
Canimanne.com dan ??hello everyone, in this narrative, we have designed a very cute groom’s vest for our little gentlemen, our vest has received a lot of likes and requests from you, Have we prepared it for you without getting cold ? our vest is suitable for our 1 year old children, our necessary materials are one and a half ball rope 3.5 skewers 12 ball buttons we used luxury minnoş as a rope.
Facebook Instagramme If you would like to print a size larger or smaller pattern, you can use the size chart. If you send us your handcrafts you have made on Facebook Instagram, we will tag you and share you on our pages, we are waiting for your comments about the video
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Video description of the Tunisian groom’s vest pattern


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