The most beautiful cross-stitch pattern +50

The most beautiful cross-stitch pattern +50
I’ve created some very nice templates of stencil templates that you can use in your footsteps. Cube board templates and more. Examples of cool templates you can process into runners, tablecloths, bedspreads, birth panels, knitting toy models.
Previously, we had a gallery of scrapboard examples. You can also process from the models that are there. The ethane business is used in many areas. Bedspreads are made. Examples of rugs are made of ethane. Cross necklace models are being made. Cross-board models are being made. There are actually many models that you can think of. Baby bed covers, bedding …
The examples of the etan prayer rugs are from the pieces found in the dowries. There are many examples from heavy models to easy to flashy models. My own prayer rug models were heavy models. Sharing with you in the days ahead. I used a lot of marbled yarns.
In the gallery you will find a total of 134 beautiful scrim patterns you can use in many areas. You can use the desired area. Please, the gallery is a quote for you.