How to Make Chamomile Tea

How to Make Chamomile Tea
  • health
  • 18th September 2023 9:47 am

Chamomile tea is both delicious and healthy. It is known that tea made with this fragrant plant that blooms in spring is good for many problems. Chamomile tea is a natural solution to insomnia while relaxing digestion.

We don’t need so many and various ingredients to make chamomile tea. Water and previously dried daisies will be enough to make this healthy tea. If you want, you can add honey or sugar according to your taste before drinking it to sweeten it. A few drops of lemon will be enough for a sour flavor.

Now let’s come to the making of chamomile tea;

Boil 1 cup of water on the stove.
After boiling, turn off the stove and throw half a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers into the water.
Leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes by closing the mouth of the glass.
Strain the tea through a strainer and strain the flower parts.

Your chamomile tea is ready. Bon appetit. 😊
The most important point to pay attention to when collecting daisies for drying is the time interval when we collect the daisies. We need to collect chamomile leaves when they are most open. Since these flowers also move with the sun, we can find the daisies at noon. It would be best to collect between 12 – 3 o’clock.

Chamomile tea is known to be good for many ailments. However, in cases such as allergic or pregnancy, it is recommended that you do not consume it without consulting your doctor or your doctor.


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