How to Make a Frühli Ajurlu Baby Leopard? (From the beginning to the end) – knitting models

Hello friends. In this video I have elaborated in detail the construction of a frilly and open-air baby carriage that looks very elegant to you. Please remember to like me and share your video for support and more videos. In the video, the width of the knitted mane was about 32 cm and the height was about 40 cm. So I guess it would be suitable for babies between 1.5 and 3 years. I used 1 Nako Luxury Minnos weave in this braid. As a skewer, I used a normal number of 3.5 shish.
The embodied design belongs to @ pamuk.orgu instagram. Thank you.
Friends, we start with this knight 80 loops. By following the videomu you will be able to easily make this different and very stylish mane.
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How to Make a Frühli Ajurlu Baby Leopard? (From the beginning to the end) – knitting models