How to Make a Baklava Model Baby Helmet for Men and Girls? (From the beginning to the end)

In this video, I prepared the expression of the baby carriage model, which is open-air baklava model for boys and girls. I use this model in the model Kartopu Lemon or Snowball Baby One knitting rope. I spent 1.5 threads on this model. So 2 ropes are enough. I used 3.5 for the skewer. I used a few different skewers. We start with 45 stitches. We knit these loops as plain weave until the end of the sequence. When we go to the back side, we also weave from top to bottom as reverse weave. Friends, if you do the next part of the video watching your joy.
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How to Make a Baklava Model Baby Helmet for Men and Girls? (From the beginning to the end)