How to Construct a Whorled Baby Helmet (From the beginning to the end) – knitting models

How to Construct a Whorled Baby Helmet (From the beginning to the end) – knitting models

I have received a lot of requests from you to describe this knitting pattern. With this video, I explained in detail the construction of a baby squeezed baby toy that starts from scratch. You can easily sample this vest model by watching the video. Thank you for watching.

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The materials we use in this video are 2 pieces of Snowball Baby One rope and 3 pieces of spit. We start with 74 loops of knitting. We then make three rows of harsoa, knitting flat knit in the front and back. In total there will be 5 rows but after 3 rows we will open the loop place. My starting thread should stay on the left. In the 4th row, we will open one marrow. To do this we flatten the first 2 threads at the beginning. We take two of the next two threads straight. Then we continue to knit one straight and we finish 5 rows. I ask you to do it by following the next sections because there are places to watch out for.

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How to Construct a Whorled Baby Helmet (From the beginning to the end) – knitting models


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