Crocheted Summer Hat Pattern

Crocheted Summer Hat Pattern

Hello dear friends dear mother Welcome to our YouTube channel

Crocheted summer hat pattern the most beautiful hat model dear mom page awaits your appreciation. We think that our mothers would like to make stylish hats for girls.

Would you like to apply the most used hat models yourself during the summer?

Our hat model which you can make in your choice of color is a hat model which adds elegance with its visuality and which is very easy.

You can make our crochet hat model with your choice of rope. It is a hat model that you can do by measuring table or by age group. You can easily make video narration. Goodbye to the new knitting models.

Crocheted Summer Hat Pattern

Soft paper rope is used.

Suitable for 10/12 age group.

Use of 4.5 mm crochet

We start by making a magic ring. We’re injecting him six times. Let’s hit the same spot twice and finish second. We continue with the augmentation technique. We continue with the application of a single frequent needle to a pair. Let’s make two odd and two pairs and complete our turn. Let’s knit as three single pairs to the size we want. Each row continues to increase by three singles. There will be 12 rows in total. The head circumference was 53 cm. You can watch the video for detailed explanation.

Crocheted Summer Hat Pattern Video Lecture


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