Amigurumi Crochet Heart Keychain Pattern

Amigurumi Crochet Heart Keychain Pattern

Amigurumi crochet heart keychain pattern for the crochet lovers very nice gift keychain construction is waiting for your appreciation.

You can make color color keychain to evaluate our remaining ropes. Amigurumi is a very nice activity for those who like crochet. We can present to our loved ones for ourselves. You can make keychains.

For those who like to use different key chains, we can offer a crocheted heart model keychain that can be made easy for you. I hope you will be a model that you can fondly enjoy. We hope to be together again in the new knitting models of our friends who wish to come easy now I am conveying .. HOŞÇAKALIN.

Amigurumi Crochet Heart Keychain Pattern

Amigurumi Heart Keychain Making

Materials Small quantities of cashmere

Crochet 02.1 mm

A little fiber or cotton

Preparation Magic ring 1. Row 6 frequent needles 2. Row 12 frequent needles 3. Row 1 single pair 18 frequent needles

2 ci parts in the same way we combine the two with the scroll technique 5 common needle mutual a total of 26 frequent two parts of the needle 2 pieces without making a 2-step decrementing do 3 times the order of 3 frequent pins at the junction point with a hidden reduction in the same way a little weaving a bit We are closing the remaining five to five needles by reducing the pairs until the loops are thoroughly reduced. Good luck with..

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