Crochet Cow Figure Pattern

Crochet Cow Figure Pattern

Crocheted Cow Figure Pattern will be a great work to decorate animal figures in a multi-knit pattern. Small knitting details for the lovers will add visuality to the beautiful models.

It can add a beauty to the pocket parts of cardigan and vest models. In the booties models, scarves and scarves will be a very elegant model of the cow figure. You can make unique beauty by sewing animal figures with crochet on the plain plain knitting models of our ladies who can not model especially in weaves.

Crochet cow figure model on blanket models. Examples of good work will emerge in our mothers looking for change. Hope to be together again in different knitting patterns

Crochet Cow Figure Pattern

Medium thickness with rope preference

Choice of crochet according to rope thickness

Cyan Beads

We start by pulling 8 chains. 3 chain single handrail application was made. We’re doing 6 handrails. As we turn around the corner, we make 6 frequent needles or 6 single handrails. The middle part is oval. We pull three chains and make a single rail on each rail. We’re doing a two-hand rail at the corner.

5 We pull the chain and make the ear part of our cow model. You should prefer thick rope. Let’s stick our beads with hot silicone.

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Do not forget to click on our link for crochet, crochet animal figures, weaves and handicrafts all and more

Crochet Cow Figure Pattern video lecture


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