How to Embroidery on Knit

How to Embroidery on Knit
Hi, dear friends, In this narrative we tell how the embroidery on the knitting is narrated. This beautiful embroidery adds beauty to the beauty of our braids.
You can apply the desired type of knitting. Our motive for making the motif is that the rope fiber rope stands slightly more fluffy than the single-layer ropes, so our motif will look better.
We used three color rope according to the model you want to use optional rope.
We have used three ips
We made the seed with our yellow thread
We pull out our needle 1 on the flat side of the rope that we removed on the flat side of the rope 6 times with a single thread, we pull our needle lightly, we repeat this process several times until our seed is formed.
2. By making pink rope 8 times, we set the distance of 1-2 cm up to the size of the flower from the seed to the size of the flower.
3. Finally, we also make our leaves
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